
The Association of Group Travel Organizers International (AGTOI) is a mentoring and consulting organization, which is open to anyone wanting to establish, develop and grow a group travel business, be it for pleasure or for profit

If you want to be a Professional Group Travel Organizer, you can get a free intro training course at http://www.VacationCareers.com


Our Website is currently under going major updates.   Which means that most of our content is currently inaccessible.   The updates are going to be worth it.


Starting in 2017, the AGTOI will offer  it’s Certified Group Travel Organizer (CGTO) designation to it’s qualified members.    This certification distinguishes organizers that represent the very best of the industry. If you are interested in learning more about the certification process, please send your contact information to cgto@agtoi.com


All fully paid memberships in 2016 will be extended through out 2017 at no extra charge.   For membership privileges and details, send your contact information to members@agtoi.com